
Bereshit 베레쉬트


  • Genesis (창) 1:1-6:8

    Isaiah (사) 42:5-43:10

    Revelation (계) 22:-6-21

    John (요) 1:1-17

  • Genesis (창) 6:9-11:32

    Isaiah (사) 54:1-55:5

    Matthew (마) 24:36-46

    Luke (눅) 17:20-27

  • Genesis (창) 12:1–17:27

    Isaiah (사) 40:27-41:16

    Romans (롬) 4:1-25

    John (요) 8:51-58

  • Genesis (창) 18:1-22:24

    2 Kings (왕하) 4:1-37

    Luke (눅) 1:26-38, 24:36-53

    Luke (눅) 17:28-37

  • Genesis (창) 23:1-25:18

    1 Kings (왕상) 1:1-31

    Matthew (마) 1:1-17

    John (요) 4:3-14

  • Genesis (창) 25:19-28:9

    Malachi (말) 1:1-2:7

    Romans (롬) 9:1-13

    Matthew (마) 10:21-38

  • Genesis (창) 28:10-32:2

    Hosea (호)11:7-14:9

    John (요)1:19-51

    John (요) 1:41-51

  • Genesis (창) 32:3-36:43

    Obadiah (옵)1:1-21

    Hebrews (히) 11:11-20

    Matthew (마) 2:13-23

  • Genesis (창)37:1-40:23

    Amos (암) 2:6-3:8

    Matthew (마) 1:1-6, 16-25

    Matthew (마) 1:18-25

  • Genesis (창)41:1-44:17

    1 Kings (왕상) 3:15-4:1

    Matthew (마)27:15-46

    John (요) 10:22-28

  • Genesis (창)44:18-47:27

    Ezekiel (겔) 37:15-28

    Luke (눅)6:12-16

    Luke (눅) 24:30-48

  • Genesis (창)47:28-50:26

    1 Kings (왕상) 2:1-12

    1 Peter (벧전)1:1-9

    John (요) 13:1-19

"Bereshit" is the Hebrew word for "In the beginning," and it is the first word of the Torah, the central reference of the Jewish scriptures. The term "Bereshit" is commonly used to refer to the first Torah portion, which is also the first section of the Book of Genesis.

The Torah is divided into weekly portions, and each portion is read on a specific Sabbath during the Jewish calendar year. The first portion, often called "Parashat Bereshit," is read at the beginning of the annual cycle, usually in the fall.

"베레쉬트"은 히브리어로 "태초에"라는 뜻으로, 토라의 첫 단어입니다. "파라샽 베레쉬트"이라고 불리는 첫 번째 부분은 천년왕국을 예표하는 가을 절기의 초막절이 끝나고 제8일에 읽으며 그때 새로운 주기를 다시 시작합니다.

Don’t think that I came to abolish the Torah or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill. For truly I say to you until the heavens and the earth shall pass away, not even one smallest letter י or one tiny pen stroke ן shall in any way pass away from the Torah until all things are accomplished (Matthew 5:17-18).

내가 율법이나 선지자를 폐하러 온 줄로 생각하지 말라 폐하러 온 것이 아니요 완전하게 하려 함이라 진실로 너희에게 이르노니 천지가 없어지기 전에는 율법의 일점 일획도 결코 없어지지 아니하고 다 이루리라 (마 5:17-18)